Monday, May 26, 2008

Beware of feeder bands

This week in the wonderful world of Web 2.0 we're discovering the joy that is the feed aggregator. Feed aggregators supposedly simplify your life by allowing you to keep up with all your favorite blogs in one place. I'm already familiar with this technology because I signed up with Newzcrawler two years ago. Yes, I paid $20 for the service. And, yes, I could only access my feeds on my computer. So, no, I don't recommend this service unless you are some sort of feed junkie. The truth is I bought it for the ticker tape feature that scrolled the latest headlines across the bottom of my computer. It made me feel like a stock broker.

I quickly learned the danger of the feed aggregator because a little balloon would pop up when I read a blog saying that it found a new RSS feed and wouldn't I like to add it to my already growing list? Why, yes. Yes, I would. Before I knew it I had 200 different blogs I was supposed to be reading. Information overload.

This time I'm using Bloglines as my aggregator. You can click on my blogroll under "favorite links". It's free and I can access it from any computer. I plan to keep my list fairly simple this time. My advice is to pick a few blogs that are written by professionals you trust and forget the rest.


P.S. You might also want to check out Google Reader, another aggregator which allows you to easily share blog posts with your friends.

1 comment:

KStew said...

We talked about the Google Reader at the Web 2.0 class I went to last week. The presenter showed us his reader and I liked it a lot better than bloglines, I think. I'm not sure I feel it's worth it to subscribe to yet another thing.